When you buy web hosting for your domain them mail server is very important option of web hosting. Each customer need common id like [email protected] or [email protected]. When you buy web hosting, & using mail server option , it is not so much friendly. you may face issue like mails are going into the spam, mails are not sent, mails are not delivered, mails are not coming on your email id. These few difficulities each customer face when use web hosting's mail server.
When customer face these issues, customer contact to provider & get some temp. solution of the problem. but this is not perfact solutions. When you are sending or receiving too mails then you must buy EMAIL hosting.
Email Hosting gives professional image to your business
By using Email hosting, you can access emails from desktop, smart phone with responsible look & feel. Anti Virus technology secure your mail box from virus and malwares. Email hosting gives 100% network up time and 0% data loss. You can manage your contacts, meetings and do to task with very simple and userfriendly GUI. You can check your twitter and google plus feeds in your email box.
You can create mailing list, setup the auto responder. ActiveServers does not allow to send spams emails
Email Hosting advantages :
- Better performace
- Access your mail id from smart phones, Tabs & PC
- Better Spam protection
- Free calender & online storage
- Better mail server compare to web hosting' mail server
- Better interface
Please Check all Email Hosting Plans on : http://activeservers.in/Email/email-hosting.aspx